Favorite Music of 2012

01.07.13 | Filed Under Music

Usually, I don’t understand how people make Best Of Year lists before the end of said year. There are so many lists to ingest, that my perception of the year’s best is usually drastically changed by January 15.

I don’t think that’s the case this year. My favorite album of the year came out in January. The rest of my top 5 were all pretty much love at first listen.

  1. Old Ideas – Leonard Cohen
  2. The Seer – Swans
  3. Bish Bosch – Scott Walker
  4. Break It Yourself – Andrew Bird
  5. Love This Giant – David Byrne & St. Vincent

All great albums – but only The Seer was a surprise.

And since I can hear some of you Millenials scratching your heads asking “What the hell is an album?” – here is a Spotify playlist of my favorite songs from this year (that are available on Spotify, natch). Listen sequentially or shuffle, but they are generally in descending order.

Did I miss something this year? Lemme know.