Americana, Music

  • 8tracks Mix – Hope in the Trainyard

    A non-definitive 8tracks mix with reflections, observations and associations for a July 4th weekend. Bonus track: American Girl dedicated to Michelle Bachman.

    07.02.11 | Filed Under Americana, Music

  • Dear Sir …

    I could have been a John McCain supporter.  It was possible.  There was a guy back in 2000, that I could have stomached voting for. I liked that guy. And the author of this letter voted for Nader in 2000.  This is no small matter. I’ve never seriously considered voting for a major candidate with […]

    09.30.08 | Filed Under Americana

  • Dear Barry

    I’m so glad you know better than to listen to the likes of me … TITLE: So Barack Obama Walks into a Bar … DATE: January 17, 2007 Hey. How are things? You look good. Of course, you always do. Yeah, I did hear about your Exploratory Committee. That’s great. I’m really happy for you. […]

    06.04.08 | Filed Under Americana

  • I smell blood and there’s no blood around

    I am of the mind to say that Mike Doughty has written some of the best “protest” songs of the past few years.  I know it may be difficult to take a contributor to the Grey’s Anatomy soundtrack that seriously … but hey, it’s a pop song.  And perhaps sneaking Doughty’s ethos into the mainstream […]

    03.11.08 | Filed Under Americana, Music

  • I can’t wait.

    I can’t wait till we can no longer blame our problems on this guy. I can’t wait till he’s simply not an issue, not even a thought or passing consideration. At most, relegated to a punch-line … perhaps a euphemism for botching what was already an ill-conceived plan. Totally Bush-ing it. Dubbing it up. Whatever. […]

    03.04.08 | Filed Under Americana

  • The Official Release of the Urbanblight Report

    I submit to you, the American Public, that Hillary Rodham Clinton has been a consistent user of steroids and/or HGH and should be suspended for the next 45-60 primaries. I heard about this from source who prefers to remain anonymous and has been granted full immunity, so I know their story is legit. For my […]

    01.16.08 | Filed Under Americana

  • Annie Lennox – Dark Road

    I really like Annie Lennox … she’s a beautiful woman with a predilection for dropping bizarre visuals into her fairly mainstream work. Not to mention that flawless voice. I generally don’t even like flawless voices, but I find hers hard to deny. Sometimes her work is extremely middle-of-the-road, though. Which is fine, I don’t think […]

    09.11.07 | Filed Under Americana, Music